1.replace icon with a word or expression to complete the follo...

1.replace icon with a word or expression to complete the following statements.
a-the past simple os often uses with expression that refer to a especific time in the past.
in the sentences, the time expressiona are: for his tenth birthday, * and *.
b-supported and received are examples of regular verbs in the past. regular verbs in the past simple all and in *.
c-was/were, gave and won are examples of irregular verbs in the past. we used * when the subject is i/he/she/it and * when the subject is you/we/they.

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1. (a) to talk about completed actions and states in the past.

2. a. ⍟ When Senna was four and ⍟ in 1972...

b. ⍟ ed

c. ⍟ was ... ⍟ were

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