Resumo do livro: o jogoautor:jack london POR FAVOR MIM AJUDEM

Resumo do livro: o jogo
autor:jack london


Resumo do livro: o jogoautor:jack london POR FAVOR MIM AJUDEM

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1. I’ll never speak to him again. 

2. Peter is not an easy person to talk to. 

3. How things will turn out no one can ___tell. 

4. She can ___tell___ fortune from coffee grounds. 

5. He __says he’s a tennis player. 

6. He ___told me he was an artist. 

7. He was speaking___ to be more polite in future. 

8. He was __telling to be very intelligent. 

9. Please speak___ up! I can’t hear you. 

10. “What time is she coming?” “I don’t know. She didn’t ___say.” 

11. Don’t ___tell nonsense! 

12. Don’t __speak lies! 

13. She always says her mind. 

14. We can’t go on like this. We need to ___talk. 

15. Don’t let everyone boss you. Speak up for yourself! 

16. She tried to __told him into moving to London.​
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