Me ajudem por favor, eu preciso disso pra amanhã de manhã são...

Me ajudem por favor, eu preciso disso pra amanhã de manhã são coisas sobre coeficiente linear, angular

Me ajudem por favor, eu preciso disso pra amanhã de manhã são coisas sobre coeficiente linear, an

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1 - Where Kennedy was shot.

2 - Whose wife was called Hillary.

3 - When most countries respect a day of rest in the week.

4 - That is the busiest in Europe.

5 - Who is the Palestinian leader.

6 - Whose companion was Man Friday.

7 - That is a combination of fog and smoke.

8 - That is associated with the Caribbean.

9 - That is used the most.

10 - Whose wife was called Josephine.

11 - Who studies metals.

12 - Where the first atomic bomb was dropped.

13 - When the First World War started.

14 - Whose son or daughter is married to you.

15 - That you use to attach papers together.

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