Text Read the text to answer questions 1, 2, 3 and 4. The fut...

Text Read the text to answer questions 1, 2, 3 and 4.The future of eating habits It is expected that, by the year 2050, people's eating habits beyond recognition. With the world-wide growth in population many new mechanical and scientific methods will be created, to step up food production. There may will be an end to food as we know it today. In fact, meals, as we know them, may become a thing of the past. Some scientists say food constituents and vitamins will be taken in the form of capsules, tablets and pills. The thought of these highly artificial food constituents replacing present day food may not be very relishing, but they may be the answer to food shortage and world famine.

1. Complete the blank in the text with the correct form of the Future Perfect tense.

(A) will be changed
(B) will have changed
(C) won't have changed
(D) won't be changing
(E) won't changing I

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