SIMPLE PRESENT QUESTAO 1: Marque o verbo na forma correta do s...

SIMPLE PRESENT QUESTAO 1: Marque o verbo na forma correta do simple present 1. The bank (open) at 10:00 AM and (dose) at 4:00 PM opens Idees d) nda c) gone d) went a) open/close b) opened / closed 2. What time (Paullgo) to school? a) goes b) go 3. If the movie (start) on time, it will be over before 10 PM a) stars b) started 5) Star 4. I have a bicycle but I (not use) it very often a) don't use b) do use c) uses 5. A: (you/play) the guitar? d) used a) Does you play... c) You do plays b) Do you play d) Do play 6: Yes, but I (not play) very well. a) doesn't plays c) not play b) do not plays d) don't play 7: My Uncle George (not drink) but he (smoke) a lot. a) doesn't drink / smokes c) do drink b) don't drink / smoking d) drink 8. A: (Tom/drive) to work every day? a) Does Tom drive... c) Tom drive b) Do Tom drives d) Tom driven 9. Sandra (brush) her teeth after meals and before going to bed a) brushes c) brush b) brushed dbrushan 10. When Tony (arrive) we'll start the game. a) arrived driving b) arrive c) arrives QUESTÃO 2: Put in the verb in brackets to the gaps. a) JH two children have b) The pupils songs in the discomfor) C) Andy's brother nanoo to work d) She my sister to be e) The boys computer games free to play) 1 Totten b the chart to go 9) She sarmos o coled) h) Poler e-mal (not write 1) She to Menorca every summer (fy). QUESTÃO 3: Which answer are correct?​

SIMPLE PRESENT QUESTAO 1: Marque o verbo na forma correta do simple present 1. The bank (open) at 10:00 AM and (dose) at 4:00 PM opens Idees d) nda c) g

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1. opens/closes



4.don't use

5.Do you play?

6.don't play

7.doesn't drink/smokes

8.Does Tom drive?




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