Me ajudem pfvvv 1 - Leia os trechos de um texto abaixo e copie...

Me ajudem pfvvv 1 - Leia os trechos de um texto abaixo e copie em seu caderno todas as formas de present simple que você encontrar. (affirmative, negative and interrogative). It was extracted from the book “ANIMALS IN DANGER” by Andy Hopkins and Joc Potter
Book 1 - Oxford bookworms.
Oxford University Press 2008.
A family of meerkats CHAPTER 3 - ANIMALS MATTER

In 1996, we knew of 5,000 animal species in danger of extinction. Today, 7,000 animal species are in danger. Perhaps there are many more - we cannot know. So, many species of animal are at risk. Why does this matter?
The world is a more interesting and beautiful place because there are animals in it. You leave the town and go into the country. What do you see? Trees and flowers, but also animals. You sit in a garden and look up. What do you see? Birds, in the trees and in the sky. You visit other countries, and the animals there are different - perhaps bigger or faster or in more beautiful colours. What do you do? You watch them and take photographs of them. Cats and dogs live hapilly with people in their homes, but wild animals want to be free. How do they live? What do they eat and drink? Where do they sleep? We are interested in the answers to these questions. We want to know about them.
Animals also help us in many important ways. We drink their milk and eat their meat. We make clothes from their skins and stay warm in the winter. When scientists learn about animals, they understand people better too. With the help of animals, alive and dead, scientists can help ill people. Many years ago, people were afraid of smallpox. When 0somebody had smallpox, 30 per cent of the people near them died. But other people did not get ill, because people did not move much from place to place and from country to country. When people began to visit different countries more often, smallpox went more quickly and easily from one person to another. The scientist Edward Jenner found the answer to this problem: it was a vaccine, and it came from cows. With the help of cows, nobody in the world has smallpox now.
Of course, we want to protect animals because we are animals too. Humans do not look very different from some animals. Chimpanzees can walk on two legs and eat with their hands. You can see in their faces when they are happy or angry or afraid. Chimpanzees only live in Africa, and in thirty years their numbers went down from 600,000 to 200,000. People are taking their land. And when humans near them become ill, they get ill too. In bad times we help other people because they matter. But animals matter to us too. Many animals are in danger because humans are destroying their habitats. We cannot close our eyes to this problem. Without our help, a lot more animals are going to die.
We all live in one world - humans and animals. Our land is their land; our trees are their trees; our rivers are their rivers. We want to protect animals because at the same time we are protecting our world.

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