ME AJUDEM!!! 3- Complete as lacunas colocando as frases no tem...

ME AJUDEM!!! 3- Complete as lacunas colocando as frases no tempo Futuro Simples/ Simple Future, utilizando as regras aprendidas:

a) She _my English teacher next year. (to be)

b) They _to Belo Horizonte tomorrow. (to travel)

c) I as an engineer in the future. (to work)

d) My family in Rio de Janeiro anymore. (to live – negative)

e) _we French next month? (to study - interrogative)

f) I to São Paulo next vacation. (to go) g) He _ an exam tomorrow. (to do)

h) _the students to school next year? (to come - interrogative)

i) Machines teachers in the future. (to substitute – negative)

j) You _ the right choice. (to make)

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