English activities:Questão 01​

English activities:
Questão 01​

English activities:Questão 01​

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01.a) I bought the car in Recifed) I spoke to the teacher last classb) My father always carried an umbrellae) My brother loved brown shoesc) He worked in the bank for four years.f) We traveled to Santos last May.
02.a)Negative: Frank didn't buy a memory.Interrogative: Did Frank buy a memory?
b)Affirmative: She sould her scanner.Interrogative: Did she sell her scanner?
c)Affirmative: He brought his printer this morning.Negative: He didn't bring his printer this morning.
03.a) He didn't sell his car last week
04.a) livede) talkedb) usedf) studiedc) dancedg) neededd) stoppedh) saw
05.a) I wanted to go to church.b) We needed to study a lot.c) Anne made a chocolate cake.d) He stopped to work this afternoon.e) I wore a beautiful dress today.
sorry, meu tempo deu pra fazer só metade.​
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