Energy is in everything. It is the power that makes all things...

Energy is in everything. It is the power that makes all things work various types of energy (thermal, electromagnetic, mechanical, electric
and nuclear) and they have different sources. Renewable energy sour
again and again, like solar energy, wind energy, geothermal energy (from
biomass from plants, and hydropower from water. Nonrenewable energ
fuels (oil, natural gas and coal) and uranium (nuclear energy) are finite
our planet. The problem is that a large portion of the energy we use e
electricity, gasoline and propane (for cooking) comes from nonrenewable
WHAT is energy, Kids & Energy, c2005. Disponível em
bg/whatisenergy. html>. Acesso em
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Na biologia, a homeostase energética, ou o controle homeostático do balanço energético, é um processo biológico que envolve a regulação homeostática coordenada da ingestão de alimentos e gasto de energia

In biology, energy homeostasis, or homeostatic control of the energy balance, is a biological process that involves coordinated homeostatic regulation of food intake and energy expenditure

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