Complete as frases usando a forma correta dos verbos em parênt...

Complete as frases usando a forma correta dos verbos em parêntesesMy sister (do) her homework after school​

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d) flies – stays – kisses – drinks

QUESTÃO (02) -

b) Do they use biodegradable products?

QUESTÃO (03) -

b) My father doesn’t like to be a doctor.

QUESTÃO (04) - Circule a forma correta do verbo:

a) He    lives     in São Paulo.

b) I    eat     lunch at one thirty every day.

c) My sisters   walks   to school every day.

d) My best friend   likes    math.

f) She     studies    math and biology.

g) We    go   to the movies on the weekends.

QUESTÃO (05) -  

a) I want to buy a new car.

b) They work all day long.

c) She drinks  milk in the morning.

QUESTÃO (06) -

a) My friends are French.

b) Brazil is a beautiful country.

c) I am 20 years old.


a) When do your parents watch DVDs?

b) Where do your father work?

c) We don’t live in a house. We live in an apartment.

d) He doesn’t play a musical instrument.

QUESTÃO (08) -

a) Do you work in a hospital?

b) Does she go to school in the morning.

QUESTÃO (09) -  

a) He doesn’t like to go to the beach.

b) You don’t go to church every Sunday.

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