C) Re-write the active sentences as passive sentences, 1)He is...

C) Re-write the active sentences as passive sentences,1)He is playing the song on the piano lache bewacoplama
2) They belt this modeli the model
3) She will clean the house tomorrow.
4) She painted this painting years ago
5) They feed the fish every 2 days.
6) She is watering the plants once a week
7) The oranges grow in an orchard,
8) Millions of people watched this movie,
9) Hundreds of people fill the theatre every night,
10) I am going to make coffee,

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C) Reescrever as sentenças ativas como sentenças passivas,

1) Ele está tocando a música no piano lache bewacoplama

2) Eles cingem este modeloi o modelo

3) Ela vai limpar a casa amanhã.

4) Ela pinta

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