ACTIVITY Complete as ' If CLAUSES' com a conjugação correta do...

ACTIVITY Complete as " If CLAUSES" com a conjugação correta dos verbos em parentes. Em seguida, selecione a " main clause" mais adequada, dando sentido a frase (1° condicional). Por fim, traduza a frase completa.

1) If I(TRAVEL) to france...

( )... i'll visit the the eiffel tower.
( )... i'll look for the berlin wall.

2) If Rose and Peter (GET) married in the summer.

( )...They'll be wearing Heary clothes.
( )...They'll go on a honeymoon.

3) If i (SLEEP) for a few hours...

( )...i'll have my eyes open.
( )...i won't wake up to the alarm clock.

4) If Jolm (STUDY) hard...

( )...He'll pass
( )'ll rain.

5) If i (WIN) the lottery...

( )... i'll buy a house!
( )... My wife will leave me!

6) If, it (RAIN)...

( )... the city will flood.
( )... it will snow, too.

7) If Susan (WATCH) too much TV...

( )...She'll not have to pay the energy bill.
( )...She"ll have a headache.

8) If you(BREAK) a mirrow...

( )'ll have to have a face surgery.
( )'ll have seven years of bad luck.

9) If i (EAT) too much...

( )...i'll lose weight
( )...i'll have a stomachache.

10) If Peter (JUMP) from the seventeenth floor...

( )...He'll die.
( )...He'll fly.

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