7. They on vacation to the beach. (99)8. Susanto the mountains...

7. Theyon vacation to the beach. (99)
8. Susan
to the mountains when she
to relor (travel) wort)
9. We
exercises every class. (complete)
10. I
what that means. (not know)
11. You
every customer to spell their name, Cask)
12. He
a motorcycle, he
it to work every day. (on) Orde)
13. He
in the warehouse, he
o forklift. (work) (drive)
14. Martha
at a car dealership. She the receptionist (work) (be)
15. She
coffee to her friends. They
it block. Coffer) (take)
16. Sandy
breakfast at home during the week. (have) She
e croissants
for a full American breakfast on the weekends. (go) She
(not like)
are not good
17. Chief Stone blue hats. (like)
18. This book very nice illustrations. (have)
19. I that game. (not like) The graphics (be)
20) breakfast? (they serve)​

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está desorganizado, não é compreensível... não consigo te ajudar


So sotry

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