2. Use os verbos regulares da nuvem abaixo para completar as...

2. Use os verbos regulares da nuvem abaixo para completar as sentenças a seguir:traveled- helped - lived - arrived - washed - studied

a) My mother me with the homework yesterday.
b) Jonas and I the car last week.
c) Paula to her test two day ago.
d) My parents to Paris in their honeymoon.
e) We late at work yesterday morning.
f) They in São Paulo last year.

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a) My mother helped me with the homework yesterday.

b) Jonas and I washed the car last week.

c) Paula studied to her test two days ago.

d) My parents traveled to Paris in their honeymoon.

e) We arrived late at work yesterday morning.

f) They lived in São Paulo last year.

Espero ter ajudado! ^-^

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