14- Look the example and make the exercise: Example: Phill / w...

14- Look the example and make the exercise: Example: Phill / work / at night / in the morning.
Is Phill working at night ? .
No, he isn’t. He is working in the morning .
A) Mary / clean / her bedroom / her bathroom. *
B) Paul and Kelvin / play / tennis / soccer. *
C) This computer / use / Linux / Windows 10. *
D) William / read / a magazine / the new Dan Brown’s book. *
E) Adrian and Jason / live / in Brazil / in the United States.

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B) Paul and Kelvin / play / tennis / soccer. **ccc

B) Paul and Kelvin / play / tennis / soccer. **

B) Paul and Kelvin /cc play / tennis / soccer. **

B) Paul and Kelvin / play / tennis / soccer. **

B) Paul and Kelvin / play / tennis / soccer. *

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