01. What is the man in the picture wearing? Turma: Autor: Ingl...

01. What is the man in the picture wearing? Turma:
Inglês - 1M - 04 Our perception of beauty
Habilidade: EM13LGG102 Analisar visões de mundo, conflitos de interesse, preconceitos e ideologias presentes nos discursos veiculados nas diferentes mídias, ampliando suas possibilidades de explicação, interpretação e intervenção crítica da/na realidade.
12/03/2021 - 1ª Série EM Inglês - Our perception of beauty

01. What is the man in the picture wearing?
He is wearing a T-shirt, shorts, and shoes.
He is wearing a shirt, shorts, and slippers.
He is wearing a T-shirt, shorts, and slippers.

01. What is the man in the picture wearing? Turma: Autor: Inglês - 1M - 04 Our perception of be

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Eloá Vieira

He is wearing a T-shirt, shorts and slippers.


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