1. Let me know the answer for each of the questions below: A)...

1. Let me know the answer for each of the questions below: A) What social media do you like to use? B) Does your mother text you when you are late?
C) Do they read physical* books or e-books on the weekend? *physical: físicos
D) Did you write the password on a paper?
E) What did you give to your family members on their birthdays?

2. I need you to first complete the sentences with the missing adjective pronoun, then turn them into the negative.

A) Joey wants to buy a new laptop for mother this Friday
B) computer and mouse are dirty, that's why she needs to clean them.
C) They are texting the message on phones.
D) My aunt gave me a camera because I like to post cats' photos online.
E) We talk to friends using the microphone.

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