1- Em qual das alternativas a seguir só há Pronomes Relativos?...

1- Em qual das alternativas a seguir só há Pronomes Relativos? a- They, who, we
b- Who, that, where
C- We, You, He
d- Whose, Yourself, then

2- Os Pronomes Relativos substituem um substantivo que já foi mencionado na oração anterior.
Fundamentado nessa afirmação responda, seguindo o modelo.
a- MODELO: The man is my friend. He repaired my radio.
The man who repaired my radio is my friend.
b- That is the girl. She telephoned me yesterday.
The player scored that goal. He was Platini.
d- The teacher entered the class. He was Mr. Johnson.​

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Giulia Camacho

1 - B

2 - b- the girl who telephoned me yesterday is she.

c- The Platini player who scored that goal.

d- The professor who entered the class was mr. johnson.

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