1. Answer the questions according to your own information. Giv...

1. Answer the questions according to your own information. Give complete answers.a) What’s your Achilles’ heel?

b) What are the benefits of having friends?

c) What is your favorite fairy tale? Explain your answer.

d) Complete the sentence: If I had known…

e) What is Greek to you?

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Answer these questions about Patrick. Write complete answers.

a. Why does Patrick like summer?

Patrick like summer because he like to relax and forget about school.  b)with your parents.

b. Who does he spend his holiday with?

with your parents.

c. What does he like and dislike about his favourite place?

he like yorkshire because it has lovely countryside and fantastic old buildings;

3. Complete these sentences about Kate and Jane.

a. Kate and Jane like …

they like swim, lie in the sun, go camping, and spend nights at your friends

b. They usually …

they usually go somewhere they usually go somewhere with their parents

c. In Los Angeles they ...

they met Nelly Furtado


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