3. Passe as frases para o passado. a) He meets Sam on the stre...

3. Passe as frases para o passado. a) He meets Sam on the street. b) The alarm-clock rings at six. c) We sell our old house, d) They lose their way in the forest. e) The girl says goodbye.4. Circule o verbo no passado em cada frase abaixo. a) '(wake / woke) up at 6 o'clock b) T(go/went) to Robinsons c) l(do/did) my homework d) We (sleep / slept) for one hour e) You (eat/ ate) fried chicken

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3 - a) He met Sam on the street

b) The alarm-clock rang at six

c) We sold our old house

d) They lost their way in the forest

e) The girl said goodbye

4 - a) woke

b) went

c) did

d) slept

e) ate

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