04 - Fill in the story using SOME, ANY, NO, or Ø. CAUSE FOR AL...

04 - Fill in the story using SOME, ANY, NO, or Ø. CAUSE FOR ALARM!
‘ children and grown-ups
must do their best to keep the world clean’, Mr. Fox said
to his class. ‘Sometimes we see rubbish
in the streets and we must pick it up. Sometimes we eat
sweets andwemustputthewrappings inthe
bin. We must all work together so there’s
rubbish in the world. Never throw plastic
into the sea! There’s tar on the beaches. There’s oil in the sea. If we
pour poison into ourrivers, fish die. This is called
pollution. This weekend, see if you can find examples of pollution and write
sentences about it’. Jimmy looked very worried when he went home. On Monday, he
handed in his composition. ‘Yesterday we had sardines for lunch. Mummy opened
the tin, but all the fish were dead and the tin was full of oil!

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