15 PONTOSSS URGENT PFF AJUD Para Montesquieu, como se justific...

15 PONTOSSS URGENT PFF AJUD Para Montesquieu, como se justifica a relação entre o amor pela república e democracia?

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a) I "have" my car "since" three years.

b) she "loves" him secretly "for" many years.

c) my best friend "lives" in New York "since" he was born.

d) they "had" a great deal of trouble with their car "since" the day they bought it.

e) Bill and his father "are working" together in the same company "for" more than ten years.

f) everyone "speaks" well "since" the beggining of the course

g) our little boy "has" an infection in his ear "since" he went swimming in the lake a couple of weeks ago.

h) I "speak" english "for" only a couple of years.

i) he "had" a great deal of trouble with his boss "since" he started working for the company.

j) I "know" my best friend "for" more than fifteen years.

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