Fill in the blanks with Simple Past or Past Perfect Tense I ……...

Fill in the blanks with Simple Past or Past Perfect Tense I ………………………. (worry) a lot about her before I ……………………….. (hear) that she was safe.
I I didn’t like the flat. It …………………….. (be) much smaller than I ………………….. (think) at first.
He told us he ………………………….. (shoot) a big tiger.
They ……………………….. (drink) tea after they ………………………………. (finish) dinner.
She ……………. just ……………….. (fold) the pink apron and placed it in a table drawer when the door …………………………… (open) and Joe ………………. (enter).
The police wanted to know why he …………………………….. (bring) a gun to school.
After he ………………………………. (work) at the hospital for two years he ………….. (decide) to give up the job.
When I …………………………. (arrive) at the party John ……………. already ……….. (go) home.
We ………………………… (wait) until the match …………………………….. (finish).
They …………………………… (leave) the room before the meeting …………………… (finish).
I ……………………………….. (buy) a new camera before I …………………. (go) to London.
I ……………….. just ………………… (turn off) the lights when the telephone ………… (ring).

REWRITE or COMBINE the following
It rained this morning. The children played in the garden. (while)
What did you do? The doorbell rang. (when)
I walked along Main Street. I realized a man behind me. (when)
I started to play football when I was five. (since)
The windows are dirty. I last cleaned them last month. (since)
He last shaved a week ago. (for)
Maybe the train leaves at six. I don’t catch it. (If)
We slept last night. The robber stole all the jewellery. (as)
He went to London. He wanted to work there. (to)
They had a picnic. The forest caught fire. (as)
Paris isn’t as crowded as New York. (comparison)

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