Write about the importance of teamwork and partnership

Write about the importance of teamwork and partnership

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Tira Duvidas

1 to get a degree: to get a diploma.She is really working hard to get a degree in Law.

2 to hand in: to give something to someone in a position of authority. Professor Smith told the students to hand in their papers next week.

3 active learning: an effective means for students to gain deeper understanding of new concepts through informal and formal means. Constructivism is built on active learning, which is very important in teamwork.

4 qualification: if you have it, you have passed an examination or course to show you have a particular level of skill or knowledge in a subject. Once you have obtained your qualification, you will be able to prove you have skills in a specific subject.

5 to drop out: to no longer do an activity or belong to a group.He couldn't stand the bullying he was going through, so he had to drop out of that school.

6 online portfolio: a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on the Web. I recommend to designers that they keep a neat online portfolio of their work.

7 grade: mark that a student is given for their work or for an examination.Mark got an excellent grade in history, he is very good at it.

8 co-creation: management initiative, or form of economic strategy, that brings different parties together (for instance, a company and a group of customers), in order to jointly produce a mutually valued outcome.With their innovative co-creation projects, these big, multinational brands are taking customer-driven innovation to the next level.

9 flipped classroom: an instructional strategy and a type of blended learning that reverses the traditional learning environment by delivering instructional content, often online, outside of the classroom.Working with a flipped classroom requires good understanding of what to work in class and what to assign as homework.

10 Peer learning: students' engagement with the material, participation in the class, and collaboration with each other. If you really want to have students engaged in learning, you should work with peer learning, which will make students cooperate in class.

11 integrated studies: combines curriculum from two or more disciplines, allowing students to see how ideas are connected.I like when the teacher work with integrated studies because I can see a clear relation between history and geography, for example.

12 MOOC: a model for delivering learning content online to any person who wants to take a course, with no limit on attendance.The best thing about the MOOC is that we can learn on our own, and online.

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