We started studying modal verbs and have leraned that they exp...

We started studying modal verbs and have leraned that they express different ideas. Whats ideas do the modal verbs in bold express in the following sentences? Use the context to help yoou. choose from the box below. There isone extra word.[ IMPOSSIBILITY - PERMISSION - ABILITY/CAPACITY - REFUSAL IN A HYPOTHETICAL SITUATION - CONDITIONAL/FUTURE IN THE PAST - ADVICE/SUGGESTION/MORAL OBLIGATION.

a) Why SHOULD animals have rights

b) The question is not ''CAN they reason?'' nor ''CAN they talk but ''CAN they suffer?''

c) Whenever we consider doing something that WOULD interfere with their needs, we are morally obligated to take them into account.

d) If you WOULD'T eat a dog, why eat a pig

e) They CANNOT spread their wings

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