Water is the source of life. No matter who we are, what we do,...

Water is the source of life. No matter who we are, what we do, where we live, we depend on it to live. However, great as it is the importance of water, people continue polluting the rivers and its sources, forgetting how much it is essential to our lives. The majority of each of the cells in our body has water. We use the water for drinking, preparing meals for the personal and home care, or for fishing, transportation, electric power production, irrigation etc. In nature, there are several types of water, depending on the elements it contains. Some are ideal for consumption, while others are harmful to health. Are they:
1. Drinking water: the ideal type for consumption, is fresh and free of impurities;
2. Polluted water: it is dirty or contaminated water, i. e., it contains impurities, microbes, viruses, etc;
3. Fresh water: the water of rivers, lakes and sources;
4. Salt Water: is the one that contains many dissolved salts, for example seawater;
5. Distilled water :is composed of hydrogen and oxygen only, no impurities and any dissolved salt;

Responda as questões em Inglês DE ACORDO COM O TEXTO.

1) What is the water?

2) Why is the water important?

3) Water is very important, but what is happening with the water nowadays?

4) What can we do with water in our day routine?

5) What kind of water are there? Write down.

6) What do you do to save water? Write in few lines in English. Nesta atividade, faça um rascunho em português primeiro e tentar passar para o Inglês.

é pra depois de amanhã,pfvr me ajudem​

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1. drinking, preparing meals for the personal and home care, etc.

2. dirty or contaminated water.

3. the ideal type for consumption.

4. Water.

5. The importance of the water

6. hydrogen and oxygen only, no impurities and any dissolved salt.

7. the rivers and its sources.

8. water.


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