The season closed and people went away like they had come—in d...

The season closed and people went away like they had come—in droves. Tea Cake and Janie decided to stay since they wanted to make another season on the muck. There was nothing to do, after they had gathered several bushels of dried beans to save over and sell to the planters in the fall. So Janie began to look around and see people and things she hadn’t noticed during the season.

Which aspect of early twentieth-century society in the South is illustrated in this excerpt?

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Whoever enters the Fresh Cake Factory, in Bom Retiro, feels transported outside of Brazil. The modern lounge, with cupcakes drawn on the glass and upholstered chairs, gives the impression of being a New York coffee shop. But just look around to see the oriental inspiration of the place. With signs written in Korean and unconventional recipes for the taste of Brazilians, the space looks like a little piece of South Korea in the center of São Paulo.


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