Task 1 - Complete the conversation. Use the simple past forms...

Task 1 - Complete the conversation. Use the simple past forms of the verbs in parentheses: Kevin: So, Megan you (have) a good summer?
Megan: Well, I (have) na interesting summer. My sister
and her family (visit) for two weeks.
Kevin: That’s nice!
Megan: Yes and no. My sister ( not feel) well, so she
(sit) on the sofa and
(watch) television. She hardly ever (get up).
Kevin: Oh, well, her husband and kids (
have) a good time?
Megan: I think so. They (play) volleyball and
(ride) their bikes every day.
Kevin: you ( go out ) to any restaurants?
Megan: No, I . I (cook) breakfast, lunch and dinner every day. They
( eat) a lot of food, but they (not wash) any dishes.
Kevin: That’s too bad. you(relax) at all last summer?
Megan: Yes, My sister and her family finally ( go) home, and then I
( relax) . I just ( read) some books and
( see) some movies.

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