SustainAbility’s early work on (1) consumerism soon expanded t...

SustainAbility’s early work on (1) consumerism soon expanded to (2) issues from genetic modification to human (3), and evolving the concept of the “triple bottom line” coined by John Elkington in 1994’s Cannibals with Forks.These (4) took us around the world and saw us working with a (5) range of multinational corporations and (6), challenging and – sometimes – provoking along the way. We also played a key (7) in shaping the emerging processes of stakeholder (8) and sustainability reporting through our pioneering Global Reporters and Engaging Stakeholders programs, in collaboration with the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).

Vocabulário: early (precoce); coined (cunhado, do verbo cunhar); shaping (moldar); stakeholder (partes interessadas); through (através de).

Choose the alternative with the correct association.
Escolha uma:

a. 1- growing / 2- efforts / 3- emerging / 4- rights / 5- engagement / 6- role / 7- green / 8- NGOs

b. 1- green / 2- emerging / 3- rights / 4- efforts / 5- growing / 6- NGOs / 7- role / 8- engagement

c. 1- emerging / 2- rights / 3- efforts / 4- growing / 5- role / 6- NGOs / 7- engagement / 8- green

d. 1- efforts / 2- role / 3- green / 4- growing / 5- engagement / 6- emerging / 7- NGOs / 8- rights

e. 1- green / 2- growing / 3- role / 4- engagement / 5- NGOs / 6- rights / 7- efforts / 8- emerging

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