So, let’s practice!  Read parts of an interview with Barack a...

So, let’s practice! Read parts of an interview with Barack and Michelle Obama:
President Obama, First Lady Tackle 10

Personal Questions
Dec. 22, 2011

President Obama and first lady Michelle Obama

in an exclusive pre-Christmas interview with ABC News' Barbara Walters revealed
personal insights about themselves and their relationship as they approach their

20th wedding anniversary next fall.

What's the trait you most deplore in yourself, and the trait you most deplore in

PRESIDENT OBAMA: Laziness. Nothing frustrates me more than when
people aren't doing their jobs. The thing actually that I most dislike is cruelty. I can't
stand cruel people. And if I see people doing something mean to somebody else, just
to make themselves feel important it really gets me mad. But, with myself, since I
tend not to be a mean person, you know, if I get lazy, then I get mad at myself.
MICHELLE OBAMA: When people are unwilling to compromise. I just think
that particularly in a society with big views, big differences, that, you know, the truth
is often somewhere right in the middle. And, a lot of times, we don't want to give up
anything. And I don't like it when I see that in myself.
On what occasion do you lie?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Usually, the only time I lie is very personal interactions
with family members, who you say, "You look great," and they don't. "Wonderful
dress..." Uh, not so much.
MICHELLE OBAMA: Things where the truth would hurt other people.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Right, the things where truth would hurt other people.
Not too many big things. I said during the campaign that I'll always tell you what I
think, and I will, always tell you where I stand. I'm not perfect, but you'll know what I
MICHELLE OBAMA: I think the same thing. When it would hurt somebody else's
feelings. When the truth isn't helpful.
What three words would you each use to describe the other?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Beautiful, smart and funny.
MICHELLE OBAMA: Smart, sportsman, and father.
Which historical figure do you most admire?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: [Abraham] Lincoln and [Mohandas] Gandhi are the two
people, when I think about what they achieved, two very different men. ... What I
admire most about them is under huge pressure, monumental changes that they
brought about but they never lost their moral bearings.
MICHELLE OBAMA: The first person that comes to mind is Coretta Scott
King, because I think she's somebody that I actually had a chance to meet as well,
so she's more real to me. Understanding the pressures, and the pain, and the
ambiguity of the life she must have lived. And coming out on the other end of that,
still hopeful and positive, and pushing for more for herself, for her family, for this
nation. It's impressive.
What is your biggest peeve about each other?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: Oh, I don't have one.
MICHELLE OBAMA: My list is too long.
What is your idea of perfect happiness?
PRESIDENT OBAMA: When I feel as if the people closest to me are happy
and healthy and I'm connected with them, and when I feel as if I'm doing things that
are making other people better and happy, then I feel real good. That's when I'm at
my peak. MICHELLE OBAMA: Happiness is family -- the health of family -- just to
keep it short. I could go on and on and on, but when my family's good, I'm good.
If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?
MICHELLE OBAMA: I'd be more patient. I think I've gotten more patient over
the years. I'm constantly working on just being patient with myself and not letting my
expectations get ahead of what's happening now.
PRESIDENT OBAMA: I deeply regret not having learned a musical instrument.
And I regret not having focused more on Spanish when I was studying it in school. I
would love to be able to speak Spanish fluently and play an instrument.


1. Where and when was the
interview given?

2. Who is the interview addressed

3. Who are its probable public?

4. What’s the purpose of this interview? Check your answer with words from the text.

5. Match the columns:
(A) interviewer ( ) Michele Obama
(B) interviewee ( ) Barbara Walters
( ) Barack Obama

6. Sendo uma personalidade famosa, Barack Obama tem um papel social importante.
Qual é o papel social?

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