Second Conditionals - put the verb into the correct tense: Tra...

Second Conditionals - put the verb into the correct tense: Translate the sentences. If I (be) you, I (get) a new job. If he (be) younger, he (travel) more. If we (not / be) friends, I (be) angry with you.
If I (have) enough money, I (buy) a big house.
If she (not / be) always so late, she (be) promoted.
If we (win) the lottery, we (travel) the world. If you (have) a better job, we (be) able to buy a new car
If I (speak) perfect English, I (have) a good job. If we (live) in Mexico, I (speak) Spanish.
If she (pass) the exam, she (be) able to enter.

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