ROTEIRO DE MAIO 2021 1 - Observando as regras do roteiro anter...

ROTEIRO DE MAIO 2021 1 - Observando as regras do roteiro anterior, passe as frases para a 3° pessoa do singular (he, she
ou It)
a) They play tennis
b) Meg and Joseph go to school
c) We study in Londres
d) My brother wash the car
e) I kiss my boyfriend every day
1) My parents speak German
g) You cry a lot at night​

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Tânia Oliveira

⇒⇒  Simple present  >>>  terceira pessoa do singular

a) They play tennis.

   He plays tennis.

   She plays tennis.

b) Meg and Joseph go to school.

   He goes to school.

   She goes to school.

c) We study in Londres.

   He studies in Londres.

   She studies in Londres.

d) My brother wash the car.

   He washes the car.

   She washes the car.

e) I kiss my boyfriend every day.

   She kisses her boyfriend every day.

f) My parents speak German.

   She speaks German.

   He speaks German.

g) You cry a lot at night​.

   He cries a lot at night.

   She cries a lot at night.

⇒⇒  Simple present  >>> Na maioria dos verbos em inglês, no presente simples - terceira pessoa do singular (he - she - it), basta acrescentar 's'. Mas, alguns verbos, seguem regras diferentes.

→ Verbos terminados em 'o, sh, ch, x ou ss', na terceira pessoa do singular (he - she - it) acrescenta 'es'

He goes

He washes

She watches

He fixes

He misses


→ Verbos terminados em consoante seguida de Y, remove o Y e adiciona 'ies'.

I carry - She carries

I study - He studies

→ Verbos terminados em vogal seguida da letra Y, vamos apenas adicionar a letra S no final.

I play - He plays

We stay - She stays  

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ROTEIRO DE MAIO 20211 - Observando as regras do roteiro anterior, passe as frases para a 3° pessoa
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