Read the sentences and write T (True) and F (False) about the...

Read the sentences and write T (True) and F (False) aboutthe carachteristics of an Advertisement:
a) ( ) It should be simple.
b) ( ) It coveys in a few frames through a combination of
pictures, captions and dialogue.
c) ( ) It is a fiction.
d) ( ) It exaggerates physical carachteristics of people or
e) ( ) It must be suggestive.
f) ( ) It has a conviction value.
g) ( ) It has often characters animals with human
h) ( ) It leaves everlasting impression on the reader.
i) ( ) It should be properly worked and cover every detail
with regard to the product.
j) ( ) It often includes character, setting , plot and its texts
are usually written in balloons.

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