Questão 3- (PUC-PR/1996) Preencha os espaços em branco da segu...

Questão 3- (PUC-PR/1996) Preencha os espaços em branco da seguinte frase com o artigo definido:
Brazil is most industrial country in
South America, while ... United States
holds same position in North America.
a) the / Ø1Ø1Ø I the / the
b) Ø/ the 1%/ the / the /
c) Ø / the / the // the / Ø
d) the / the / the / the / the / the
e) Ø/the/the/the/ the /​

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Pedro Vitor

Brazil is ...THE.. most industrial country in

South America, while ..THE. United States

holds THE same position in ...THE... North America.

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