Profe 3) Escolha a alternativa correta de acordo com o SIMPLE...

Profe3) Escolha a alternativa correta de acordo com o SIMPLE FUTURE: (1,0)
A) Qual é a alternativa que completa corretamente a frase no Simple Future?
free time tomorrow”
a) will have.
c) will to have
b) have will.
d) have.
B) Qual é a forma negativa da frase ?
"Paul will paint the house.”
a) Paul not will paint the house.
c) Paul not will painted the house.
b) Paul won't paint the house.
d) Paul won't painted the house.

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a)I will study

b)She will copy her homework

c)They will read the book

d)I will write a book

e)I will learn Mathematics

f)I will search on Google

g)She will paint a beautiful draw

h)I will eat steak in lunch

I)And I will drink juice

j)He will learn how to cook

k)I will clean my bedroom

l)They will wash the dishes

m)I will pass in front of the park

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