PRECISO DE AJUDA PFVV 1. Read the following sentence: She doe...

PRECISO DE AJUDA PFVV1. Read the following sentence: She does her homework. Identify the only correct interrogative sentence. *
Does she does her homework?
Do she does her homework?
She does homework?
Does she do her homework?
She do her homework?

2. Identify the incorrect sentence for Simple Present. *
Marlos go to the mall.
Sandy sings in the shower.
Joshua and Peter borrow books from the library.
Martha and Karina watch TV.
Paul washes his car.

3. Identify the correct negative sentence for Simple Present. *
She needs water.
You don't read books in Portuguese.
Does he speak English?
They doesn't want to dance.
I walk around the neighborhood.

4. Identify the correct sentence for Adverbs of Frequency and Simple Present. *
He hardly ever be on time.
You often listens to music.
They usually is friends.
She never be late for work.
I'm always early for my English classes.

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1 - Does she do her homework?

2 - Marlos go to the mall. (o certo seria Marlos goes to the mall)

3 - You don't read books in Portuguese

4 - I'm always early for my English classes.

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