Passe da Voz Ativa para a Voz Passiva. Elisa gave a ring to Is...

Passe da Voz Ativa para a Voz Passiva. Elisa gave a ring to Isabel.

Julia bought the new Game of Thrones book.

Every day Claire reads the newspaper.

She invites many people.

The teacher corrected the exercises.

The girl invites the boy to the party.

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⇒⇒  Passive voice

a.  Elisa gave a ring to Isabel.

    A ring was given to Isabel by Elisa.

b.  Julia bought the new Game of Thrones book.

    The new Game of Thrones book was bought by Julia.

c.  Every day Claire reads the newspaper.

    Everyday the newspaper is read by Claire.

d.  She invites many people.

    Many people are invited by her.

e.  The teacher corrected the exercises.

    The exercises were corrected by the teacher.

f.  The girl invites the boy to the party.

   The boy is invited to the party by the girl.


→→ Voz ativa - sujeito pratica a ação do verbo.

John drives a black car. - John dirige um carro preto.

John - sujeito

black car - objeto

→→ Voz passiva - objeto será o sujeito da passiva

The black car is driven by John. - O carro preto é dirigido pelo John.

the black car - sujeito da passiva

John - objeto

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Passe da Voz Ativa para a Voz Passiva.Elisa gave a ring to Isabel.Julia bought the new Game of T
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