Passe as frases abaixo para as formas Interrogativa e negativa...

Passe as frases abaixo para as formas Interrogativa e negativa: 1- Jane played the piano last night. ( to play – jogar – v. regular)
. Forma Interrogativa:
. Forma Negativa:

2- They brought presents. (to bring- trazer – v. irregular)
. Forma Interrogativa:
. Forma negativa:

3- Robert spoke German at the lecture. (to speak – falar – v. irregular)
. Forma Interrogativa:
. Forma Negativa:

1 Resposta

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Douglas Pestana

1  jane did not play the piano last nigth        negativa                                                            

                        did jane  play the piano last nigth interrogativa

2 they did not bring presents  negativa

did they bring presents  interrogativa

3  did robert speak german at the lecture  interrogativa

robert did not speak german at the lecture   negativa


meu pai e gringo e prof de ingles ent pode confiar

marca melhor resposta please

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