Os adjetivos superlativos são utilizados para descrever um obj...

Os adjetivos superlativos são utilizados para descrever um objeto que se encontra no extremo superior ou inferior de uma qualidade. Complete as sentenças utilizando os adjetivos em destaque com a forma
geral do superlativo {Noun (subject) + verb + the + superlative adjective + noun (object)}.

Big – long-wide- busy – dangerous – popular
I- I – The Louvre is art gallery in the world.
II- Vasco da Gama Bridge is bridge in Europe.
III- III – The Yungas Road is road in the world.
IV- Tianamen Square is square in the world.
V- Avenida 9 de Julio in Buenos Aires is street in the world.
VI- Shinjuki Station in Tokyi is railway station in the world.
a) Most popular/ the longest / the most dangerous/ the biggest/ the widest / the busiest
b) Biggest/ the most longer/ the most wider/ busiest/ dangerousest/ more popular
c) the most dangerous/ the biggest/ the widest / the busiest / more popular/ the longest
d) The big / the long / the wide / the dangerous / the more popular/ the busiest.

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