Object pronouns (imagem) fill in the correct object pronouns....

Object pronouns


fill in the correct object pronouns.

1.my sister jane loves books. this novel is for (

2.my children like disney films. the video is for(

3.my brother matt collects picture postcards. these are for(

4.my parents like latin music. the cd is for(

5.i like watches. this nice watch is for(

6.my wife and i love sweets. these sweets are for(

7.my nephew likes cars. the toy truck is for(

8.my neighbour wants to go to california. the guide book is for(

Object pronouns (imagem) fill in the correct object pronouns. 1.

1 Resposta

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Micaela Guimarães

1. HER
3. HIM
5. ME
6. US
7. HIM
8. HER​
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