Nightmare Hotel I walked up the hill to the Nightmare Hotel.I...

Nightmare HotelI walked up the hill to the Nightmare Hotel.
I stopped at the door, but I couldn’t see the bell.

I knocked and I waited in the cold and windy night.
I looked in the window but there wasn’t any light.

That’s when I noticed the door was open wide.
Then it started raining, so I walked inside.

The door closed behind me. I asked, “Who’s there?”
That’s when I noticed the rats on the stairs.

I turned round to leave but I couldn’t see the door.
That’s when I noticed the body on the floor.

Then the body moved - the woman wasn’t dead!
She recounted her story. This is what she said:

“I also walked up to the Nightmare Hotel…”
1. O poema acima pode ser considerado uma narração. Qual tipo de história é contada e onde ela acontece? *

2. O que o personagem encontra ao entrar no lugar e por que ele se assusta? *

3. Em sua opinião, porque o personagem estar ali? *

4. Se você fosse o personagem, o que faria em seu lugar? Você teria medo? Justifique sua resposta. *

5. O poema se refere a situações que aconteceram no passado, no futuro, ou no presente? Por quê? *


1 Resposta

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Samarasantos Lucas

1. Troque ANY por NO.

a) We have got no money.

b) There are no shops here.

c) Carol has got no free time.

d) There is no light here.

2. Troque NO por ANY.

a) We haven't got  any cash.

b) There isn't any  tea in the pot.

c) There aren't any buses today.

d) Tom hasn't got any brothers.

3. NO ou ANY?

a) There's no sugar in my coffee.

b) My brother is married but he hasn't got any children.

c) Sue doesn't speak any foreign languages.

d) I'm afraid there's  no coffee. Would you like some tea?

e) Look at those birds! Birds? Where? I can't see any birds.

f) Do you know where Jane is? No, I've got no idea.

4. ANY, NO ou NONE?

a) There aren't any pictures on the wall.

b) The weather was cold but there was no wind.

c) I wanted to buy some oranges but they didn't have any in the shop.

d) Everything was correct. There were no mistakes.

e) How much luggage have you got? None .

f) How much luggage have you got? I don't have any.

5. Use ANY ou NO + uma dessas palavras:

no answer

any Photo

no Film

no Difference

no Friends

any Furniture

no Problems

any Questions

any Heating

any Money

a) Everything was ok. There were no problems.

b) He wants to go out but he doesn't have any money.

c) I'm not going to answer any questions.

d) He's always alone. He's got no friends.

e) There's no difference between them. They are twins.

f) There wasn't any furniture in the room. It was completely empty.

g) I tried to phone you but there was no answer.

h) The house is cold because there isn't any heating.

i) I can't take any photo. There's no film in the camera.


ANY   - frases interrogativas e negativas (algum, um pouco)

there isn't any tea.

não pode usar duas negativas na mesma frase

NO     - frases negativas - nenhum

there is no tea.

não pode usar duas negativas na mesma frase


any - afirmativa (qualquer coisa)

I want to eat anything

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