Nao entendo muito inglês por mais que eu tente

Nao entendo muito inglês por mais que eu tente

Nao entendo muito inglês por mais que eu tente

1 Resposta

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1 - a) He works in my house.

INT: Does he work in my house?

NEG: He doesn't work in my house.

1 - b) You listen your TV show.

INT: Do you listen your TV show?

NEG: You don't listen your TV show.

1 - c) She speaks English.

INT: Does she speak English?

NEG: She doesn't speak English.

2 - a) They are going to stay at the hotel.

2 - b) Sally and I are going to see the city from there.

2 - c) I am going to have a good view of the city.

2 - d) You are going to walk in the park.

2 - e) My mother is going to visit her daughter.

2 - f) Jane and you are going to buy a lot of things.

2 - g) John is going to see a good play.

Espero ter ajudado, bons estudos! ;)

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