Mark the best answer to complete the gaps with the comparative...

Mark the best answer to complete the gaps with the comparative of superiority or superlative of the adjectives in parentheses. My class is (big) class in the school and I think that it’s (good). Peter is the tallest in the class-he’s 1.54m, but in general the girls are(tall) than the boys. Ella is (tall) girl. Everyone is quite hardworking but I think that the girls are (hardworking) than the boys. The boys are (interest) in the girls than in their work! Jen is (clever) student in the class - she always comes top in the exams. She’s definitely (clever) than Mike, but don’t tell him!

the biggest - the best - taller - the tallest - more hardworking - more interested - the cleverest- cleverer

the bigger - the bert - most taller - the tallest - more hardworking - most interested than - the cleverest- cleverer

the more bigger - the bert - taller - the tallest - more hardworking - most interested than - the most cleverest- more cleverer

the bigger - the most best - more taller - the taller - most hardworking - most interested - the most cleverest- cleverer

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