Let's practice! It's your turn to use the suffixer —er to make...

Let's practice! It's your turn to use the suffixer —er to make new words:


play: a -------------plays a sport.

• write: a-----------writes a text.

• bake: a -------------bakes some food.

. research: a ------------does some research.

sing: a ----------sings songs

• babysit: a -----------takes care of children

. • manage: a ------------manages a company or other organization

photograph: a------------ takes pictures

• paint: a ---------paints pictures​

Let's practice! It's your turn to use the suffixer —er to make new words: swims:a---------swimsplay: a -------------plays a sp

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A swimmer
a player
a writer
a baker
a researcher
a singer
a babysitter
a manager
a photographer
a painter​
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