I. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect form of the...

I. Complete the sentences with the Present Perfect form of the verbs in parentheses.Mr. Simpson (teach) here for more than twenty years. *

“Do you like lobster?” -“I don’t know. I (never eat) it.” *

II. Choose the correct alternative.
Jack at the CBS Company since hegraduated from college.
is working
have worked
has worked
has being worked

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1 Have never seen
2 have been
3 hasn't expected
4 Has the actor met...
5 has become
6 has left
7 hasn't got
8 has the public

obs: neste exercício o enunciado só pede Present Perfect have/ has + particípio, porém muitas respostas cabem ou só encaixa com o Present Perfect Continuous have/ has + particípio mais gerúndio. 

a have been
b has lived/has been living
c has kept/ been keeping 
d have visited
e has been crying
f has been raining 
g have done
h have taken
i has awaken 
j has eaten ​
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