I am sure I would have regretted it if I to take the job.

I am sure I would have regretted it if I to take the job.

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⇒⇒  Third Conditional

I am sure I would have regretted it if I had decided to take the job.


→→ Third Conditional / Terceira Condicional   >>   para falar sobre uma situação que não aconteceu, mas que dá para imaginar como seria se tivesse acontecido.  

Em português: Se você tivesse chegado mais cedo (situação que não aconteceu) , você teria jantado conosco. (como seria se tivesse acontecido)  


If + sujeito + past perfect + would have + particípio

If the weather had been good I would have gone to the beach.

If you have arrived earlier you would have had dinner with us.

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I am sure I would have regretted it if I  to take the job.
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