EXPLORE IDEAS PEDAGOGY & OUTCOMES FEATURES REGISTER SIGN IN SCHOOLS & DISTRICTS (Back Next post My brother and I I am Júlio from MS, Brazil. I live in Winnipeg, Canada. I am in grade 10 of Kelvin High School. In the first semester I had Science, Math, Pre-calculus and Art in the morning and I had English and Social Studies in the afternoon. In the second semester I have Spanish, Math Essentials and Geography in the morning and Physical Education in the afternoon. I have the same classes every day in the same period of the day. My brother is Carlos and he lives in Canada, too. He goes to River Heights School and he's in grade 7. School starts at 8:50 and ends at 3:30. He has Math, Social Studies, English, French, Health and Physical Education in the morning. He also has Band, Science and Drama in the afternoon. WRITE ABOUT Available at https://www. writeabout. com/2018/02/me-and-my-brother-4/> ;. Accessed on March 9, 2018. Original title: Me and my brother (sic) Going further Na lingua inglesa, usam-se as siglas "a. m." (ante meridiem) e "p. m." (post meridiem) para indicar, respectivamente, as horas antes e depois do meio-dia.A)Qual é o objetivo desses textos? Quem costuma lê-los?​

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