EXERCISES ( Escolha a alternativa correta em relação ao grau S...

EXERCISES ( Escolha a alternativa correta em relação ao grau SUPERLATIVE) 1) The moon is planet to Earth. (a) The closest (b) more closest than (c) closer than

2) Venus is planet in our solar system.

(a) Hotter than (b) the hottest (c) more hottest

3) The Apollo Project was space programme. (a) More expensive (b) expensivest (c) the most expensive

4) Rachel is pupil in my class.

(a) The best (b) the goodest (c) better than

5) This is film I´ve seen in my life. (a) The baddest (b)

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1) A

2) B

3) C

4) A

5) The worst     (the option is missing!)

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