Exercise (Exercício) 1- Fill in the blanks with the verbs in t...

Exercise (Exercício) 1- Fill in the blanks with the verbs in the Future according to the Plan for the weekend. (Preencha
os espaços em branco com os verbos no futuro de acordo com os planos para o fim de semana)
a) Lucy
(to go= in) to the Skate Night
b) Cris
(to read=ler) lots of books.
c) Peter
(to bake = assar) cookies.
d) Mike
(to watch= assistir) a film at the cinema.
e) Mr. Baker
f) Jenna
( to practice= praticar) his speech
(to celebrate= celebrar)her birthday.
g) The parents
(to go out = sair).​

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1- FILL in the blanks with the verbs in parentheses in the Present simple or Present continuous tense:

a) Tom and Fred can’t talk now. They are doing their homework.

b) I often have Portuguese classes on Wednesdays.

c) He is not studying now.

d) The boys are playing in the park at the moment.

e) My friends always watches sport on TV.

2- The BEST option which completes the sentences is: (1.0)

a) My birthday is on October 18th

b) I always travel with my family in January.

c) I play tennis with my friends on weekends.

d) The kids have tennis lessons on Saturdays.

e) In the afternoons you can go to special shows on the beach.

b) on – in – on – on – in

3- The BEST alternative which completes the sentences is: (1.0)

a) I would like some milk, please.

b) I don’t have any juice at home.

c) I’ll make some cookies for our picnic.

d) I don’t like any of those fruits.

e) I don’t usually have any rice and vegetables for dinner.

e) some – any – some – any – any

4- Do you know the parts of the house? WRITE the correct one according to the descriptions:

a) People take a bath in this room.


b) People keep their car in here.


c) People eat in this room.


d) People cook in this room.


e) There are trees and plants here.


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