Exercício de Marcadores conversacionais 1. Choose the correct...

Exercício de Marcadores conversacionais 1. Choose the correct discourse markers to complete the sentences below.
A: Did he look sad?
B: No,

o A) Obviously
o B) By the way
o C) As a matter of fact
2. 2. Choose the correct discourse markers to complete the sentences below.
your question about our mobile rates, I have attached a document where
you can see all our rate plans.

o A) Whereas
o B) As far as
o C) Regarding
3. 3. Choose the correct discourse markers to complete the sentences below.
Well, I think we can declare the meeting closed. , who’s going to have
lunch at the canteen today?

o A) Actually
o B) By the way
o C) Anyway
4. 4. Choose the correct discourse markers to complete the sentences below.
the most qualified candidates always get the best jobs.

o A) Obviously
o B) Basically
o C) In fact

5. 5. Choose the correct discourse markers to complete the sentences below.
I will help him, , he has always been there for me.

o A) After all
o B) Basically
o C) In fact

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